Monthly Archives: June 2012

Xenomorph: Margaret Baron (NPC)

Margaret Baron is Executive Director of Strategic Projects on Shackleton, and directs station security. Her quarters are on Toorak level. She is guardian to Cai Gentle.

Ah, Mr Gould, sit down here. I usually make up my mind about a man in ten seconds, and I very rarely change it.  And I like you Mr. Gould. We can do business together. The trouble, though, is that your spine does not always reach your brain. Sometimes it seems I am a tigress surrounded by hamsters.

This situation represents a unique opportunity. We must be bold. Are you afraid, Mr Gould? Frightened? Frit? Can’t take it? Utter rubbish. You do not achieve anything without trouble, ever. This lady’s not for turning.

Be aware of what is expendable and what is not. Do whatever the mission requires. Mr Gould, you have my authority and protection. Remember who cares for you. Do you think I am heartless, cruel? Let me share with you a brutal but powerful truth, Mr Gould.  The company has evolved to perfection. it comprises a small number of sadists and a large number of masochists. And I, Mr Gould, am no masochist.

What about you?

And Mr Gould, one final thing. If you want to cut your own throat, don’t come to me for a bandage.

Xenomorph: Character Sheets & Briefings

Listen up Drop Bears. They’re here. Xenomorph character sheets are now available online for registered teams. Let’s hope this thing goes smooth and by the numbers. We need DCS and tactical database assimulation by teams. Ordinance loading, weapons strip, and shuttle prep details will have until 1800 Friday. Let’s move it people!

OK, enough of the gratuitous Aliens allusions. This is not a bug hunt. 🙂

All players should read the Shackleton Background Briefing.

Shackleton Background Briefing (low rez – 943 K)

Shackleton Background Briefing (high rez – 6.2 Meg)

To select characters, have a look at the Mission Personnel Briefing. From this you can, as a team, allocate characters to play.

Mission Personnel Briefing (low rez – 823 K)

Mission Personnel Briefing (high rez – 10.6 Meg)

Once your team has allocated characters for each player, you can download individual character sheets, below. Registered teams only, please.

Warning: Individual character sheets are spoiler rich. Please read only the character sheet you will play.

Each character sheet PDF is print quality and approximately 3 Meg in size.

Iriaka Conrad
Chul-Moo Crowe
Cai Gentle
Wayne Gould
Uki Pynne

Printed character sheets will be provided at Phenomenon. We are making electronic copies available early to encourage character and background familiarity, costume (if that’s your thing), and to maximise actual playing time.
